
  • Simon Vecchioni, Brandon Lu, Ruojie Sha, William Livernois, Yoel P. Ohayon, Jesse B. Yoder, Karol Woloszyn, William Bernfeld, M.P. Anantram, Wayne A. Hendrickson, Lynn J. Rothschild, James W. Canary, Chengde Mao, Shalom J. Wind, Nadrian C. Seeman, Metal-Mediated DNA Nanotechnology in 3D: Reengineering the Semantomorphic Alphabet. Nature Chemistry, under review.
  • Brandon Lu, Yoel P. Ohayon, Ruojie Sha, Karol Woloszyn, Chu-fan Yang, Jesse B. Yoder, Lynn Rothschild, Shalom Wind, Wayne A. Hendrickson, James W. Canary, Chengde Mao, Nadrian C. Seeman, and Simon Vecchioni, Reconfigurable, pH-dependent Metal Positioning System Using Designer DNA Crystals, . Nature Materials, under review.
  • Simon Vecchioni, Ruojie Sha, Nadrian Seeman, Lynn Rothschild, and Shalom J. Wind, DNA by Design: De novo computational framework for DNA sequence design and nanotechnology. Journal of Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics, Journal of Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics, in press.
  • Haogang Cai, Mark Schvartzman, and Shalom J. Wind, Nanoscale Architectures for Probing Cellular Mechanoresponse. Cells, in preparation.
  • Simon Vecchioni, Rainbow Lo, Tong Wang, Lynn J. Rothschild, Shalom J. Wind, Self-assembling 2D DNA nanostructures based on non-canonical silver(I)-mediated cytosine base pairing. Nano Letters, in preparation.
  • Lingjie Du, Ziyu Liu, Shalom J. Wind, Vittorio Pellegrini, Ken W. West, Saeed Fallahi, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Michael J. Manfra, and Aron Pinczuk, Observation of Flat Bands in Gated Semiconductor Artificial Graphene. Physical Review Letters 126, 106402 (2021).
  • Rishita Changede, Cai, Haogang, Wind, Shalom J., and Sheetz, Michael P., Ligand Geometry Controls Integrin Clustering and Adhesion Formation. Nature Materials 18, pages1366
  • (2019).
  • Haogang Cai, Muller, James, Depoil, David, Mayya, Viveka, Sheetz, Michael P., Dustin, Michael L., and Wind, Shalom J., Full control of ligand positioning during T cell receptor triggering reveals independent roles of lateral and axial spacing. Nature Nanotechnology, 2018. 13: 610-617 .
  • Lingjie Du, Wang, Sheng, Sheng Wang, Scarabelli, Diego, Kuznetsova, Yuliya Y., Pfeiffer, Loren N., West, Ken W., Gardner, Geoff C., Manfra, Michael J., Pellegrini, Vittorio, Wind, Shalom J., and Pinczuk, Aron, Emerging many-body effects in semiconductor artificial graphene with low disorder. Nature Communications, 2018. 9: p. 3299.
  • Simon Vecchioni, Toomey, Emily, Capece, Mark C., Rothschild, Lynn, and Wind, Shalom J., Methods of synthesis of conductive DNA Nanowires based on metal ion-mediated base pairing for single-molecule electronics. Journal of Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics, 2018. 6: . 61 – 90.
  • Simon Vecchioni, Capece, Mark C., Toomey, Emily, Nguyen, Le, Ray, Austin, Greenberg, Alissa, Pinheiro, Vitor, Liu, Corey W., Shih, Joseph, Wessel, Gary, Wind, Shalom J., and Rothschild, Lynn, Construction and characterization of metal ion-containing DNA nanowires for synthetic biology and nanotechnology, Scientific Reports 2019. 9: p. 6942.
  • Sheng Wang, Scarabelli, Diego, Du, Lingjie, Kuznetsova, Yuliya Y., Pfeiffer, Loren N., West, Ken W., Gardner, Geoff C., Manfra, Michael J., Pellegrini, Vittorio, Wind, Shalom J., and Pinczuk, Aron, Observation of Dirac bands in artificial graphene in small-period nanopatterned GaAs quantum wells. Nature Nanotechnology, 2018. 13: p.29 – 33.
  • Sheng Wang, Scarabelli, Diego, Kuznetsova, Yuliya Y., Wind, Shalom J., Pinczuk, Aron, Pellegrini, Vittorio, Manfra, Michael J., Gardner, Geoff C., Pfeiffer, Loren N., and West, Ken W., Observation of electron states of small period artificial graphene in nano-patterned GaAs quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters, 2016. 109(11): p. 113101.
  • S. Wang, Gorday, K., Nuckolls, C., and Wind, S. J., Control of DNA origami inter-tile connection with vertical linkers. Chemical Communications, 2016. 52(8): p. 1610-1613.
  • Emily Toomey, Xu, Jimmy, Vecchioni, Simon, Rothschild, Lynn, Wind, Shalom J., and Fernandes, Gustavo E., Comparison of Canonical versus Silver(I)-Mediated Base-Pairing on Single Molecule Conductance in Polycytosine dsDNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016. 120(14): p. 7804-7809.
  • Diego Scarabelli, Trusheim, Matt, Gaathon, Ophir, Englund, Dirk, and Wind, Shalom J., Nanoscale Engineering of Closely-Spaced Electronic Spins in Diamond. Nano Letters, 2016. 16(8): p. 4982-4990.
  • Erika Penzo, Palma, Matteo, Chenet, Daniel A., Ao, Geyou, Zheng, Ming, Hone, James C., and Wind, Shalom J., Directed Assembly of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors. ACS Nano, 2016. 10(2): p. 2975-2981.
  • John G. Hardy, Palma, Matteo, Wind, Shalom J., and Biggs, Manus J., Responsive Biomaterials: Advances in Materials Based on Shape-Memory Polymers. Advanced Materials, 2016. 28(27): p. 8.
  • G. Cai and Wind, S. J., Improved Glass Surface Passivation for Single-Molecule Nanoarrays. Langmuir, 2016. 32(39): p. 10034-10041.
  • Haogang Cai, Wolfenson, Haguy, Depoil, David, Dustin, Michael L., Sheetz, Michael P., and Wind, Shalom J., Molecular Occupancy of Nanodot Arrays. ACS Nano, 2016. 10(4): p. 4173-4183.
  • Haogang Cai, Depoil, David, Muller, James, Sheetz, Michael P., Dustin, Michael L., and Wind, Shalom J., Spatial control of biological ligands on surfaces applied to T cell activation, in Methods in Molecular Biology, The Immune Synapse, C.T. Baldari and M.L. Dustin, Editors. 2016, Humana Press.
  • Manus J. P. Biggs, Cooper, Ryan C., Liao, Jinyu, Fazio, Teresa, Dahlberg, Carl, Kysar, Jeffrey W., and Wind, Shalom J., Cellular Adhesion on Electron Beam Patterned Surfaces Presenting Nanoscale Heterogeneous Rigidity. Advanced Materials, 29, 1702119 (2017).
  • Diego Scarabelli, Wang, Sheng, Pinczuk, Aron, Wind, Shalom J., Kuznetsova, Yuliya Y., Pfeiffer, Loren N., West, Ken, Gardner, Geoff C., Manfra, Michael J., and Pellegrini, Vittorio, Fabrication of artificial graphene in a GaAs quantum heterostructure. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2015. 33(6): p. 06FG03.
  • Erika Penzo, Palma, Matteo, Wang, Risheng, Cai, Haogang, Zheng, Ming, and Wind, Shalom J., Directed Assembly of End-Functionalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Segments. Nano Letters, 2015. 15(10): p. 6547-6552.
  • Matteo Palma, Hardy, John G., Tadayyon, Ghazal, Farsari, Maria, Wind, Shalom J., and Biggs, Manus J., Advances in Functional Assemblies for Regenerative Medicine. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2015. 4(16): p. 2500-2519.
  • Gideon I. Livshits, Mastov, Eduard M., Popov, Inna, Livshits, David S., Zhuravel, Roman, Kristensen, Peter Kjaer, Rotem, Dvir, Wind, Shalom J., Gurevich, Leonid, and Porath, Danny, Chemical-free lithography with nanometre-precision via reversible electrostatic clamping. Nat Comm, under review, 2015.
  • G. Cai, Depoil, D., Sheetz, M. P., Dustin, M. L., and Wind, S. J., Probing the Minimum Geometric Requirements for T-Cell Stimulation. Biophysical Journal, 2015. 108(2): p. 631a-632a.
  • Palma, Penzo, E., Wang, R. S., Hone, J., Zheng, M., Nuckolls, C., and Wind, S. J., Selective assembly of 1D nanostructures: From the directed placement of DNA-origami on surfaces, to the controlled formation of carbon nanotubes junctions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2014. 247.
  • I. Livshits, Stern, A., Rotem, D., Borovok, N., Eidelshtein, G., Migliore, A., Penzo, E., Wind, S. J., Di Felice, R., Skourtis, S. S., Cuevas, J. C., Gurevich, L., Kotlyar, A. B., and Porath, D., Long-range charge transport in single G-quadruplex DNA molecules. Nature Nanotechnology, 2014. 9(12): p. 1040-1046.
  • Ryan C. Cooper, Biggs, Manus J. P., Dahlberg, Carl, Hay, Jennifer, Liao, Jinyu, Wind, Shalom J., and Kysar, Jeffrey W., Mechanical properties of heterogeneous rigidity in poly(dimethylsiloxane) films induced by electron beam irradiation. submitted to Journal of Materials  Research, 2014.
  • J. Wind, Penzo, E., Palma, M., Wang, R., Fazio, T., Porath, D., Rotem, D., Livshits, G., and Stern, A., Integrating DNA with Functional Nanomaterials. Journal of Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics, 2013. 1(2): p. 12.
  • Risheng Wang, Palma, Matteo, Penzo, Erika, and Wind, ShalomJ, Lithographically directed assembly of one-dimensional DNA nanostructures via bivalent binding interactions. Nano Research, 2013. 6(6): p. 409-417.
  • Matteo Palma, Wang, Wei, Penzo, Erika, Brathwaite, Julian, Zheng, Ming, Hone, James, Nuckolls, Colin, and Wind, Shalom J., Controlled Formation of Carbon Nanotube Junctions via Linker-Induced Assembly in Aqueous Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013. 135(23): p. 8440-8443.
  • Colin D. Kinz-Thompson, Palma, Matteo, Pulukkunat, Dileep K., Chenet, Daniel, Hone, James, Wind, Shalom J., and Gonzalez, Ruben L., Robustly Passivated, Gold Nanoaperture Arrays for Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy. ACS Nano, 2013. 7(9): p. 8158-8166.
  • G. Cai, Depoil, D., Palma, M., Sheetz, M. P., Dustin, M. L., and Wind, S. J., Bifunctional nanoarrays for probing the immune response at the single-molecule level. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2013. 31(6): p. 6F902.
  • Wolfenson, Liu, S., Cai, H., Wind, S., Hone, J., and Sheetz, M., Live-cell super-resolution microscopy reveals early stages in adhesion formation and rigidity sensing. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2012. 23.
  • Risheng Wang, Nuckolls, Colin, and Wind, Shalom J., Assembly of Heterogeneous Functional Nanomaterials on DNA Origami Scaffolds. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012. 51(45): p. 11325-11327.
  • Risheng Wang, Nuckolls, Colin, and Wind, Shalom J., Assembly of Heterogeneous Functional Nanomaterials on DNA Origami Scaffolds. Angewandte Chemie, 2012. 124(45): p. 11487-11489.
  • Palma, Wang, R. S., Penzo, E., Abramson, J., Hone, J., and Wind, S., Nanopatterned surfaces for the templated assembly of nanostructures: From DNA-origami to quantum dot self-assembly[p]. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2012. 243.
  • Ja Yil Lee, Wang, Feng, Fazio, Teresa, Wind, Shalom, and Greene, Eric C., Measuring intermolecular rupture forces with a combined TIRF-optical trap microscope and DNA curtains. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012. 426(4): p. 565-570.
  • Gorman, Wang, F., Redding, S., Plys, A. J., Fazio, T., Wind, S., Alani, E. E., and Greene, E. C., Single-molecule imaging reveals target-search mechanisms during DNA mismatch repair. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012. 109(45): p. E3074-E3083.
  • A. Fazio, Lee, Ja Yil, Wind, S. J., and Greene, E. C., Assembly of DNA Curtains Using Hydrogen Silsesquioxane As a Barrier to Lipid Diffusion. Analytical Chemistry, 2012. 84(18): p. 7613-7617.
  • Manus J. P. Biggs, Dalby, Matthew, and Wind, Shalom, Cellular Response to Nanoscale Features, in The Nanobiotechnology Handbook. 2012, CRC Press. p. 461-486.
  • Abramson, Palma, M., Wind, S. J., and Hone, J., Quantum Dot Nanoarrays: Self-Assembly With Single-Particle Control and Resolution. Advanced Materials, 2012. 24(16): p. 2207-2211.
  • Mark Schvartzman, Palma, Matteo, Sable, Julia, Abramson, Justin, Hu, Xian, Sheetz, Michael P., and Wind, Shalom J., Nanolithographic Control of the Spatial Organization of Cellular Adhesion Receptors at the Single-Molecule Level. Nano Letters, 2011. 11(3): p. 1306-1312.
  • Penzo, Wang, R. S., Palma, M., and Wind, S. J., Selective placement of DNA origami on substrates patterned by nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2011. 29(6).
  • Erika Penzo, Wang, Risheng, Palma, Matteo, and Wind, Shalom J., Selective placement of DNA origami on substrates patterned by nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2011. 29: p. 5.
  • Palma, Abramson, J. J., Penzo, E., Gorodetsky, A. A., Wang, R. S., Sheetz, M. P., Nuckolls, C., Hone, J., and Wind, S. J., Biofunctionalization of nanopatterned surfaces and their integration with DNA nanostructures. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2011. 241.
  • Matteo Palma, Abramson, Justin J., Gorodetsky, Alon A., Penzo, Erika, Gonzalez, Ruben L., Sheetz, Michael P., Nuckolls, Colin, Hone, James, and Wind, Shalom J., Selective Biomolecular Nanoarrays for Parallel Single-Molecule Investigations. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011. 133(20): p. 7656-7659.
  • Matteo Palma, Abramson, Justin J., Gorodetsky, Alon A., Nuckolls, Colin, Sheetz, Michael P., Wind, Shalom J., and Hone, James, Controlled Confinement of DNA at the Nanoscale: Nanofabrication and Surface Bio-Functionalization, in DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols, G.Z.a.B. Samorì, Editor. 2011, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. p. 169-185.
  • Mathur, Roca-Cusachs, P., Rossier, O. M., Wind, S. J., Sheetz, M. P., and Hone, J., New approach for measuring protrusive forces in cells. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2011. 29(6).
  • J. P. Biggs, Milone, M. C., Santos, L. C., Gondarenko, A., and Wind, S. J., High-resolution imaging of the immunological synapse and T-cell receptor microclustering through microfabricated substrates. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2011. 8(63): p. 1462-1471.
  • C. Greene, Wind, S., Fazio, T., Gorman, J., and Visnapuu, M. L., DNA Curtains for High-Throughput Single-Molecule Optical Imaging. Methods in Enzymology, Vol 472: Single Molecule Tools, Pt A: Fluorescence Based Approaches, 2010. 472: p. 293-315.
  • Gorman, Fazio, T., Wang, F., Wind, S., and Greene, E. C., Nanofabricated Racks of Aligned and Anchored DNA Substrates for Single-Molecule Imaging. Langmuir, 2010. 26(2): p. 1372-1379.
  • Schvartzman and Wind, S. J., Plasma fluorination of diamond-like carbon surfaces: mechanism and application to nanoimprint lithography. Nanotechnology, 2009. 20(14): p. 145306.
  • Schvartzman and Wind, S. J., Robust Pattern Transfer of Nanoimprinted Features for Sub-5-nm Fabrication. Nano Letters, 2009. 9(10): p. 3629-3634.
  • Schvartzman, Nguyen, K., Palma, M., Abramson, J., Sable, J., Hone, J., Sheetz, M. P., and Wind, S. J., Fabrication of nanoscale bioarrays for the study of cytoskeletal protein binding interactions using nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2009. 27(1): p. 61-65.
  • Ghassemi, Rossier, O., Sheetz, M. P., Wind, S. J., and Hone, J., Gold-tipped elastomeric pillars for cellular mechanotransduction. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2009. 27(6): p. 3088-3091.
  • A. Fazio, Visnapuu, M., Greene, E. C., and Wind, S. J., Fabrication of nanoscale “curtain rods” for DNA curtains using nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2009. 27(6): p. 3095-3098.
  • L. Visnapuu, Fazio, T., Wind, S., and Greene, E. C., Parallel arrays of geometric nanowells for assembling curtains of DNA with controlled lateral dispersion. Langmuir, 2008. 24(19): p. 11293-11299.
  • Schvartzman, Mathur, A., Kang, Y., Jahnes, C., Hone, J., and Wind, S. J., Fluorinated diamondlike carbon templates for high resolution nanoimprint lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2008. 26(6): p. 2394-2398.
  • Schvartzman, Mathur, A., Hone, J., Jahnes, C., and Wind, S. J., Plasma fluorination of carbon-based materials for imprint and molding lithographic applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 93(15): p. 3.
  • Ghassemi, Biais, N., Maniura, K., Wind, S. J., Sheetz, M. P., and Hone, J., Fabrication of elastomer pillar arrays with modulated stiffness for cellular force measurements. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2008. 26(6): p. 2549-2553.
  • Fazio, Visnapuu, M. L., Wind, S., and Greene, E. C., DNA curtains and nanoscale curtain rods: High-throughput tools for single molecule imaging. Langmuir, 2008. 24(18): p. 10524-10531.
  • Teresa Fazio, Visnapuu, Mari-Liis, Wind, Shalom J., and Greene, Eric, Nanoscale “Curtain Rods”: High-Throughput Tools for Studying DNA-Protein Interactions. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 2008. 1138: p. null-null.
  • Y. Tang, Wang, Y. L., Klare, J. E., Tulevski, G. S., Wind, S. J., and Nuckolls, C., Encoding molecular-wire formation within nanoscale sockets. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2007. 46(21): p. 3892-3895.
  • Meric, Caruso, V., Caldwell, R., Hone, J., Shepard, K. L., and Wind, S. J., Hybrid carbon nanotube-silicon complementary metal oxide semiconductor circuits. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2007. 25(6): p. 2577-2580.
  • Tang, Wang, Y., Nuckolls, C., and Wind, S. J., Chemically responsive molecular transistors fabricated by self-aligned lithography and chemical self-assembly. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2006. 24(6): p. 3227-3229.
  • Tang, De Poortere, E. P., Klare, J. E., Nuckolls, C., and Wind, S. J., Single-molecule transistor fabrication by self-aligned lithography and in situ molecular assembly. Microelectronic Engineering, 2006. 83(4-9): p. 1706-1709.
  • M. Huang, White, B., Sfeir, M. Y., Huang, M. Y., Huang, H. X., Wind, S., Hone, J., and O’Brien, S., Cobalt ultrathin film catalyzed ethanol chemical vapor deposition of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006. 110(23): p. 11103-11109.
  • F. Guo, Small, J. P., Klare, J. E., Wang, Y. L., Purewal, M. S., Tam, I. W., Hong, B. H., Caldwell, R., Huang, L. M., O’Brien, S., Yan, J. M., Breslow, R., Wind, S. J., Hone, J., Kim, P., and Nuckolls, C., Covalently bridging gaps in single-walled carbon nanotubes with conducting molecules. Science, 2006. 311(5759): p. 356-359.
  • P. De Poortere, Stormer, H. L., Huang, L. M., Wind, S. J., O’Brien, S., Huang, M., and Hone, J., Single-walled carbon nanotubes as shadow masks for nanogap fabrication. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(14): p. 143124.
  • P. De Poortere, Stormer, H. L., Huang, L. M., Wind, S. J., O’Brien, S., Huang, M., and Hone, J., 1-to 2-nm-wide nanogaps fabricated with single-walled carbon nanotube shadow masks. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2006. 24(6): p. 3213-3216.
  • H. Chen, Appenzeller, J., Lin, Y. M., Sippel-Oakley, J., Rinzler, A. G., Tang, J. Y., Wind, S. J., Solomon, P. M., and Avouris, P., An integrated logic circuit assembled on a single carbon nanotube. Science, 2006. 311(5768): p. 1735-1735.
  • J. Wind, Radosavljević, M., and Avouris, P., Carbon Nanotube Electronics and Optoelectronics, in Applied Physics of Carbon Nanotubes – Fundamentals of Theory, Optics and Transport Devices, S.V. Rotkin and S. Subramoney, Editors. 2005, Springer-Verlag: Berlin. p. 227-252.
  • Cherniavskaya, Chen, C. J., Heller, E., Sun, E., Provezano, J., Kam, L., Hone, J., Sheetz, M. P., and Wind, S. J., Fabrication and surface chemistry of nanoscale bioarrays designed for the study of cytoskeletal protein binding interactions and their effect on cell motility. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2005. 23(6): p. 2972-2978.
  • M. Wallraff, Medeiros, D. R., Sanchez, M., Petrillo, K., Huang, W. S., Rettner, C., Davis, B., Larson, C. E., Sundberg, L., Brock, P. J., Hinsberg, W. D., Houle, F. A., Hoffnagle, J. A., Goldfarb, D., Temple, K., Wind, S., and Bucchignano, J., Sub-50 nm half-pitch imaging,with a low activation energy chemically amplified photoresist. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2004. 22(6): p. 3479-3484.
  • S. P. Wong, Appenzeller, J., Derycke, V., Martel, R., Wind, S., and Avouris, P. Carbon nanotube field effect transistors – fabrication, device physics, and circuit implications. in Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2003. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2003 IEEE International. 2003.
  • J. Wind, Radosavljevic, M., Appenzeller, J., and Avouris, P., Transistor structures for the study of scaling in carbon nanotubes. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2003. 21(6): p. 2856-2859.
  • J. Wind, Appenzeller, J., Martel, R., Radosavljevic, M., Heinze, S., and Avouris, P., Carbon nanotube devices for future nanoelectronics. Nanotechnology, 2003. IEEE-NANO 2003. 2003 Third IEEE Conference on, 2003. 1: p. 236-239 vol.2.
  • J. Wind, Appenzeller, J., and Avouris, P., Lateral scaling in carbon-nanotube field-effect transistors. Physical Review Letters, 2003. 91(5): p. 058301.
  • P. O’Brien, Huang, L. M., and Wind, S., Controlled growth of single walled carbon nanotube assemblies from thin film mesoporous silica templates. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2003. 226: p. U766-U766.
  • Limin Huang, Wind, Shalom J., and O’Brien, Stephen P., Controlled Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from a Line Patterned Mesoporous Silica Template. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 2003. 772.
  • Huang, Wind, S. J., and O’Brien, S. P., Controlled growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes from an ordered mesoporous silica template. Nano Letters, 2003. 3(3): p. 299-303.
  • Avouris, Appenzeller, J., Martel, R., and Wind, S. J., Carbon nanotube electronics. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2003. 91(11): p. 1772-1784.
  • J. Wind, Martel, R., and Avouris, P., Localized and directed lateral growth of carbon nanotubes from a porous template. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2002. 20(6): p. 2745-2748.
  • J. Wind, Appenzeller, J., Martel, R., Derycke, V., and Avouris, P., Vertical scaling of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors using top gate electrodes. Applied Physics Letters, 2002. 80(20): p. 3817-3819.
  • J. Wind, Appenzeller, J., Martel, R., Derycke, V., and Avouris, P., Fabrication and electrical characterization of top gate single-wall carbon nanotube field-effect transistors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2002. 20(6): p. 2798-2801.
  • Martel, Derycke, V., Appenzeller, J., Wind, S., and Avouris, P., Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors and logic circuits. Design Automation Conference, 2002. Proceedings. 39th, 2002: p. 94-98.
  • Avouris, Martel, R., Heinze, S., Radosavjevic, M., Wind, S., Derycke, V., Appenzeller, J., and Tersoff, J., The role of Schottky barriers on the behavior of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors. AIP Conf. Proc. , 2002. 633.
  • Appenzeller, Martel, R., Derycke, V., Radosavjevic, M., Wind, S., Neumayer, D., and Avouris, P., Carbon nanotubes as potential building blocks for future nanoelectronics. Microelectronic Engineering, 2002. 64(1-4): p. 391-397.
  • Appenzeller, Knoch, J., Martel, R., Derycke, V., Wind, S. J., and Avouris, P., Carbon nanotube electronics. Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2002. 1(4): p. 184-189.
  • Appenzeller, Knoch, J., Martel, R., Derycke, V., Wind, S., and Avouris, P., Short-channel like effects in Schottky barrier carbon nanotube field-effect transistors. Electron Devices Meeting, 2002. IEDM ’02. Digest. International, 2002: p. 285-288.
  • Appenzeller, Knoch, J., Derycke, V., Martel, R., Wind, S., and Avouris, P., Field-modulated carrier transport in carbon nanotube transistors. Physical Review Letters, 2002. 89(12): p. -.
  • Watanabe, Bednorz, J. G., Bietsch, A., Gerber, C., Widmer, D., Beck, A., and Wind, S. J., Current-driven insulator-conductor transition and nonvolatile memory in chromium-doped SrTiO3 single crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2001. 78(23): p. 3738-3740.
  • L. Lee, Boyd, D., Brancaccio, J., Bucchignano, J., Cai, J., Chan, K., Hanafi, H., Kozlowski, P., Miller, R., Roy, R., Shi, L., Sikorski, E., Surendra, M., Wind, S., Yang, Q., Yoon, J., Yu, C., Zhang, Y., and Taur, Y., New polysilicon disposable sidewall process for sub-50 nm CMOS. Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2001. Proceeding of the 31st European, 2001: p. 159-162.
  • J. Wind, Shi, L., Lee, K. L., Roy, R. A., Zhang, Y., Sikorski, E., Kozlowski, P., D’Emic, C., Bucchignano, J. J., Wann, H. J., Viswanathan, R. G., Cai, J., and Taur, Y., Very high performance 50 nm CMOS at low temperature. Electron Devices Meeting, 1999. IEDM Technical Digest. International, 1999: p. 928-930.
  • J. Wind, Gerber, P. D., and Rothuizen, H., Accuracy and efficiency in election beam proximity effect correction. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1998. 16(6): p. 3262-3268.
  • Taur Yuan, Buchanan, D. A., Wei, Chen, Frank, D. J., Ismail, K. E., Shih-Hsien, Lo, Sai-Halasz, G. A., Viswanathan, R. G., Wann, H. J. C., Wind, S. J., and Hon-Sum, Wong, CMOS scaling into the nanometer regime. Proceedings of the Ieee, 1997. 85(4): p. 486-504.
  • Wann, Assaderaghi, F., Shi, L. T., Chan, K., Cohen, S., Hovel, H., Jenkins, K., Lee, Y., Sadana, D., Viswanathan, R., Wind, S., and Taur, Y., High-performance 0.07-μm CMOS with 9.5-ps gate delay and 150 GHz f(T). IEEE Electron Device Letters, 1997. 18(12): p. 625-627.
  • Wann, Assaderaghi, F., Shi, L., Chan, K., Cohen, S., Hovel, H., Jenkins, K., Lee, Y., Sadana, D., Viswanathan, R., Wind, S., and Taur, Y., High-performance 0.07-μm CMOS with 9.5-ps gate delay and 150 GHz fT. Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 1997. 18(12): p. 625-627.
  • Taur, Buchanan, D. A., Chen, W., Frank, D. J., Ismail, K. E., Lo, S. H., SaiHalasz, G. A., Viswanathan, R. G., Wann, H. J. C., Wind, S. J., and Wong, H. S., CMOS scaling into the nanometer regime. Proceedings of the Ieee, 1997. 85(4): p. 486-504.
  • W. Jacobs, Wind, S. J., Ribeiro, F. H., and Somorjai, G. A., Nanometer size platinum particle arrays: Catalytic and surface chemical properties. Surface Science, 1997. 372(1-3): p. L249-L253.
  • Hector, Pol, V., Krasnoperova, A., Maldonado, J., Flamholz, A., Heald, D., Stahlhammer, C., Galburt, D., Amodeo, R., Donohue, T., Wind, S., Buchigniano, J., Viswanathan, R., Khan, M., Bollepalli, S., and Cerrina, F., X-ray lithography for ≤ 100 nm ground rules in complex patterns. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1997. 15(6): p. 2517-2521.
  • J. Wind, Frank, D. J., and Wong, H. S., Scaling silicon MOS devices to their limits. Microelectronic Engineering, 1996. 32(1-4): p. 271-282.
  • W. Jacobs, Wind, S. J., Ribeiro, F. H., and Somorjai, G. A., New model catalysts with nanometer control of particle size and spacing prepared by E-beam lithography. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 1996. 211: p. 96-Coll.
  • W. Jacobs, Ribeiro, F. H., Somorjai, G. A., and Wind, S. J., New model catalysts: Uniform platinum cluster arrays produced by electron beam lithography. Catalysis Letters, 1996. 37(3-4): p. 131-136.
  • R. Heath, Williams, R. S., Shiang, J. J., Wind, S. J., Chu, J., DEmic, C., Chen, W., Stanis, C. L., and Bucchignano, J. J., Spatially confined chemistry: Fabrication of Ge quantum dot arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996. 100(8): p. 3144-3149.
  • J. Wind, Taur, Y., Mii, Y., Frank, D. J., Wong, H.-S., Buchanan, D. A., Rishton, S. A., Bucchignano, J. J., Lii, Y., and Jenkins, K. A., Probing the Limits of Silicon-Based Nanoelectronics. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1995. 380.
  • J. Wind, Taur, Y., Lee, Y. H., Mii, Y., Viswanathan, R. G., Bucchignano, J. J., Pomerene, A. T., Sicina, R. M., Milkove, K. R., Stiebritz, J. W., Roy, R. A., Hu, C. K., Manny, M. P., Cohen, S., and Chen, W., Lithography and fabrication processes for sub-100 nm scale complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1995. 13(6): p. 2688-2695.
  • Taur, Mii, Y. J., Frank, D. J., Wong, H. S., Buchanan, D. A., Wind, S. J., Rishton, S. A., Saihalasz, G. A., and Nowak, E. J., Cmos Scaling into the 21st-Century – 0.1μm and Beyond. Ibm Journal of Research and Development, 1995. 39(1-2): p. 245-260.
  • L. Saenger, Cabral, C., Clevenger, L. A., Roy, R. A., and Wind, S., A kinetic study of the C49 to C54 TiSi2 conversion using electrical resistivity measurements on single narrow lines. Journal of Applied Physics, 1995. 78(12): p. 7040-7044.
  • Klein, Chamon, C. D., Tang, D., Abuschmagder, D. M., Meirav, U., Wen, X. G., Kastner, M. A., and Wind, S. J., Exchange Effects in an Artificial Atom at High Magnetic-Fields. Physical Review Letters, 1995. 74(5): p. 785-788.
  • R. Kirtley, Ketchen, M. B., Tsuei, C. C., Sun, J. Z., Gallagher, W. J., YuJahnes, L. S., Gupta, A., Stawiasz, K. G., and Wind, S. J., Design and applications of a scanning SQUID microscope. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 1995. 39(6): p. 655-668.
  • R. Kirtley, Ketchen, M. B., Stawiasz, K. G., Sun, J. Z., Gallagher, W. J., Blanton, S. H., and Wind, S. J., High-Resolution Scanning Squid Microscope. Applied Physics Letters, 1995. 66(9): p. 1138-1140.
  • A. Kastner, Klein, O., Chamon, C. D., Tang, D., Abuschmagder, D. M., Meirav, U., Wen, X. G., and Wind, S. J., Exchange Effects in Artificial Atoms. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, 1995. 34(8B): p. 4369-4372.
  • Mii, Wind, S., Taur, Y., Lii, Y., Klaus, D., and Bucchignano, J., An ultra-low power 0.1 μm CMOS. VLSI Technology, 1994. Digest of Technical Papers. 1994 Symposium on, 1994: p. 9-10.
  • B. Foxman, Meirav, U., Mceuen, P. L., Kastner, M. A., Klein, O., Belk, P. A., Abusch, D. M., and Wind, S. J., Crossover from Single-Level to Multilevel Transport in Artificial Atoms. Physical Review B, 1994. 50(19): p. 14193-14199.
  • C. Chi, Santhanam, P., Wind, S. J., Brady, M. J., and Bucchignano, J. J., Minimum Critical Length for Superconductivity in One-Dimensional Wires. Physical Review B, 1994. 50(5): p. 3487-3490.
  • Taur, Wind, S., Mii, Y. J., Lii, Y., Moy, D., Jenkins, K. A., Chen, C. L., Coane, P. J., Klaus, D., Bucchignano, J., Rosenfield, M., Thomson, M. G. R., and Polcari, M., High performance 0.1 μm CMOS devices with 1.5 V power supply. Electron Devices Meeting, 1993. IEDM ’93. Technical Digest., International, 1993: p. 127-130.
  • Taur, Cohen, S., Wind, S., Lii, T., Hsu, C., Quinlan, D., Chang, C. A., Buchanan, D., Agnello, P., Mii, Y. J., Reeves, C., Acovic, A., and Kesan, V., Experimental 0.1μm P-Channel Mosfet with P+-Polysilicon Gate on 35-Angstrom Gate Oxide. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 1993. 14(6): p. 304-306.
  • M. Reeves, Wind, S. J., Hohn, F. J., Bucchignano, J. J., Lii, Y. T., and Klaus, D. P., Fabrication and Characterization of Compact 100nm Scale Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors. Microelectronic Engineering, 1993. 21(1-4): p. 409-418.
  • L. Mceuen, Wingreen, N. S., Foxman, E. B., Kinaret, J., Meirav, U., Kastner, M. A., Meir, Y., and Wind, S. J., Coulomb Interactions and Energy-Level Spectrum of a Small Electron-Gas. Physica B, 1993. 189(1-4): p. 70-79.
  • Ganin, Wind, S., Ronsheim, P., Yapsir, A., Barmak, K., Bucchignano, J., and Assenza, R., TiSi2 formation on submicron polysilicon lines: Role of linewidth and dopant concentration. MRS Proceedings, 1993: p. 109-112.
  • B. Foxman, Mceuen, P. L., Meirav, U., Wingreen, N. S., Meir, Y., Belk, P. A., Belk, N. R., Kastner, M. A., and Wind, S. J., Effects of Quantum Levels on Transport through a Coulomb Island. Physical Review B, 1993. 47(15): p. 10020-10023.
  • J. Wind, Reeves, C. M., Bucchignano, J. J., Lii, Y. T., Newman, T. H., Klaus, D. P., Keller, J., Volant, R. P., Tebin, B., and Hohn, F. J., Fabrication of Compact 100 Nm-Scale Silicon Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1992. 10(6): p. 2912-2916.
  • Wind and Smith, T., Computers Take a Quantum Leap. Byte, 1992. 17(2): p. 140-141.
  • Taur, Cohen, S., Wind, S., Lii, T., Hsu, C., Quinlan, D., Chang, C., Buchanan, D., Agnello, P., Mii, Y., Reeves, C., Acovic, A., and Kesan, V., High transconductance 0.1 μm pMOSFET. Electron Devices Meeting, 1992. Technical Digest., International, 1992: p. 901-904.
  • M. Reeves, Wind, S. J., Hohn, F. J., Lii, Y. T., Bucchignano, J. J., Newman, T. H., Klaus, D. P., Volant, R. P., Keller, J., and Tebin, B., Design and Characterization of Compact 100 nm-Scale Silicon Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1992. 10(6): p. 2917-2921.
  • L. Mceuen, Foxman, E. B., Kinaret, J., Meirav, U., Kastner, M. A., Wingreen, N. S., and Wind, S. J., Self-Consistent Addition Spectrum of a Coulomb Island in the Quantum Hall Regime. Physical Review B, 1992. 45(19): p. 11419-11422.
  • P. Kern, Lee, K. Y., Rishton, S. A., and Wind, S. J., Nanofabrication for Quantum Devices. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, 1992. 31(12B): p. 4496-4500.
  • A. Kastner, Foxman, E. B., McEuen, P. L., Meirav, U., Kumar, A., and wind, S. J. Transport spectroscopy of a Coulomb island. Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, 1992. 239-253.
  • J. Wind, Meirav, U., and Kastner, M. A., Periodic Conductance Resonances in One-Dimensional Gaas Channels with Nanoconstrictions. Microelectronic Engineering, 1991. 13(1-4): p. 411-414.
  • Santhanam, Chi, C. C., Wind, S. J., Brady, M. J., and Bucchignano, J. J., Resistance Anomaly near the Superconducting Transition-Temperature in Short Aluminum Wires. Physical Review Letters, 1991. 66(17): p. 2254-2257.
  • M. Reeves, Hohn, F. J., Wind, S. J., Lii, Y. T., Newman, T. H., Bucchignano, J. J., Klaus, D. P., and Chiong, K. N., Nanofabrication Techniques for 100 nm-Scale Silicon Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1991. 9(6): p. 2851-2855.
  • Meirav, Mceuen, P. L., Kastner, M. A., Foxman, E. B., Kumar, A., and Wind, S. J., Conductance Oscillations and Transport Spectroscopy of a Quantum Dot. Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter, 1991. 85(3): p. 357-366.
  • L. Mceuen, Foxman, E. B., Meirav, U., Kastner, M. A., Meir, Y., Wingreen, N. S., and Wind, S. J., Transport Spectroscopy of a Coulomb Island in the Quantum Hall Regime. Physical Review Letters, 1991. 66(14): p. 1926-1929.
  • N. Jackson, Solomon, P. M., Tischler, M. A., Pettit, G. D., Canora, F. J., Degelormo, J. F., Bucchignano, J. J., and Wind, S. J., High-Transconductance Ingaas/Inalas Sisfets. Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, 1991. 38(12): p. 2703-2704.
  • K. Hu, Mazzeo, N., Wind, S. J., Pearson, D. J., and Ketchen, M. B., Reactive Ion Etching of Nb/Alox/Nb for Josephson-Technology. Thin Solid Films, 1991. 206(1-2): p. 151-155.
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  • Meirav, Kastner, M. A., and Wind, S. J., Single-Electron Charging and Periodic Conductance Resonances in Gaas Nanostructures. Physical Review Letters, 1990. 65(6): p. 771-774.
  • B. Field, Kastner, M. A., Meirav, U., Scottthomas, J. H. F., Antoniadis, D. A., Smith, H. I., and Wind, S. J., Conductance Oscillations Periodic in the Density of One-Dimensional Electron Gases. Physical Review B, 1990. 42(6): p. 3523-3536.
  • G. Chiong, Wind, S., and Seeger, D., Exposure Characteristics of High-Resolution Negative Resists. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1990. 8(6): p. 1447-1453.
  • J. Wind, Rosenfield, M. G., Pepper, G., Molzen, W. W., and Gerber, P. D., Proximity Correction for Electron-Beam Lithography Using a 3-Gaussian Model of the Electron-Energy Distribution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1989. 7(6): p. 1507-1512.
  • Meirav, Kastner, M. A., Heiblum, M., and Wind, S. J., One-Dimensional Electron-Gas in Gaas – Periodic Conductance Oscillations as a Function of Density. Physical Review B, 1989. 40(8): p. 5871-5874.
  • G. Chiong, Rothwell, M. B., Wind, S., Bucchignano, J., Hohn, F. J., and Kvitek, R., Resist Contrast Enhancement in High-Resolution Electron-Beam Lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1989. 7(6): p. 1771-1777.
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  • J. Rooks, Wind, S., Mceuen, P., and Prober, D. E., Fabrication of 30-Nm-Scale Structures for Electron-Transport Studies Using a Polymethylmethacrylate Bilayer Resist. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 1987. 5(1): p. 318-321.
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  • Chandrasekhar, Rooks, M. J., Wind, S., and Prober, D. E., Observation of Aharonov-Bohm Electron Interference Effects with Periods h/e and h/2e in Individual Micron-Size, Normal-Metal Rings. Physical Review Letters, 1985. 55(15): p. 1610-1613.
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